October and February workshops are filling up fast! Register now!

Cultures of Thinking Schedule

This is a highly-interactive online workshop, spread out over two weeks, three sessions per week. Synchronous instructional time will be from 3:00 – 5:30 pm US Eastern Standard Time (UTC/GMT -5)  each day of the workshop. There will be asynchronous work assigned at different times over the three-week duration of the workshop. 

Dr. Ritchhart’s instructional sessions will be recorded and available to participants, should they miss a session or wish to review the content. 


SESSION 1: November 30

A New Vision of Education

  • How can we create a culture of thinking for ourselves as educators?

  • In what ways has our understanding of the goals of education and good teaching changed, shifted, and developed?

  • What type of learner are we trying to cultivate?

SESSION 2:  December 1

Unpacking Culture

  • What do we want the students we teach to be like as adults?

  • How can we unpack group culture to understand how it is created and supported? 

  • What are the stories of learning we have been told and what story dominates schools today?


SESSION 3: December 2

The Cultural Force of Language 

  • How do we “tell” a new story of learning? The 8 Cultural Forces.

  • What do the cultural forces look like in action? 

  • How can be better understand the different ways language gets, both at a distance in classrooms, and how it affects students? 



SESSION 4: December 14

The Cultural Forces of Language and Interactions

  • What do the language moves look like in action?

  • How can we better understand how to use discourse and questioning to promote thinking?

  • How do our interactions with students help to build relationships and establish a foundation of trust, respect, and authenticity?


SESSION 5: December 15

Modeling and Creating Powerful Learning Opportunities

  • What are the different forms of modeling that teachers engage in and how do they shape the learning?

  • What do we already know about powerful learning opportunities from our experience as teachers?

  • What does research say about the crucial elements of powerful learning opportunities?

  • How can we better pay attention to these elements in our design of powerful learning?


SESSION 6: December 16

Making Thinking Visible: Thinking Routines and Beyond

  • What are the various ways that we can make students’ thinking more visible?

  • How do these practices interact with and support one another?

  • How can we use thinking routines to maximum effect to build understanding and promote deep learning?

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We are proud to announce

as hosting partners for this event.