Primary Years Programme
IB PYP Workshops
Each year, you have 5 separate chances to enhance your staff’s IB professional development with CASIE — twice in the Summer (June and July) and three times when school is in session (October, February, and March). Search our available PYP Categories below.

Search PYP Events
PYP Category 1: Building your IB Programme-Primary Years (formerly Making the PYP Happen: Implementing Agency)
RECOMMENDED FOR: All Primary Years Programme (PYP) teachers (early years, Primary Years, new to PYP and with some experience of the PYP What does it mean to be an IB Primary years educator? An IB education supports the development of learners through a holistic approach within its inquiry-based and contextualised curriculum frameworks. In this workshop, […]
PYP Category 2: Learning and Teaching for Conceptual Understanding
RECOMMENDED FOR: PYP educators, coordinators, librarians/media specialists and specialist teachers, who wish to learn more about designing and teaching for conceptual understanding in a transdisciplinary and inquiry-based learning environment. How might we intentionally design and teach for conceptual understanding within a transdisciplinary and inquiry-based context? Developing conceptual understanding enables learners to access many kinds of […]
PYP Category 3: The Role of Mathematics
RECOMMENDED FOR: Classroom teachers. How is mathematics taught using an inquiry approach? How is mathematics addressed within and outside of the context of the programme of inquiry? How do learners construct and transfer meaning and then apply with understanding? The aim of this workshop is to support you with the skills, knowledge and ideas needed […]
PYP Category 1: Head of School (PYP)
RECOMMENDED FOR: The head of school, who may be the head, executive head, owner, principal, governor, superintendent. Heads will be encouraged to consider who they should send to Leading the learning category 1. Required prior to submission of Application for Authorization Form A. In this workshop, heads of school are challenged to think about the […]
PYP Category 1: Building Your IB Programme – Primary Years (Formerly Making the PYP Happen: Implementing Agency)
RECOMMENDED FOR: All Primary Years Programme (PYP) teachers (early years, Primary Years, new to PYP and with some experience of the PYP What does it mean to be an IB Primary years educator? An IB education supports the development of learners through a holistic approach within its inquiry-based and contextualised curriculum frameworks. In this workshop, […]
PYP Category 2: Local and Global Inquirers
RECOMMENDED FOR: Experienced Primary Years Programme (PYP) teachers, coordinators and school leaders. As part of being internationally-minded, all members of a PYP learning community are supported in becoming inquirers. Investigate what it means to be an inquirer and develop your capability to design learning that draws on local and global contexts to challenge thinking, reflect […]
PYP Category 3: Planning for Programme Evaluation
RECOMMENDED FOR: Administrators, coordinators and leading learning teams. The primary aim of IB programme evaluation is to help schools develop their capacity to implement IB programmes to have a greater impact on student outcomes through the development of teacher and leader practice. In this workshop, you will engage with each component of the programme evaluation […]
PYP Category 1 – Building Your IB Programme (formerly Making the PYP Happen: Implementing Agency)
RECOMMENDED FOR: All Primary Years Programme (PYP) teachers (early years, Primary Years, new to PYP and with some experience of the PYP What does it mean to be an IB Primary years educator? An IB education supports the development of learners through a holistic approach within its inquiry-based and contextualised curriculum frameworks. In this workshop, […]
PYP Category 2 – Your Exhibition
RECOMMENDED FOR: This workshop is relevant for PYP (primary years programme) educators (including specialist teachers, librarians and media specialists), coordinators and administrators in IB schools who want to learn more about the exhibition and its role in supporting individual and collective agency within students and the learning community. How might the exhibition provide not only […]
PYP Category 3 – Role of the Coordinator
RECOMMENDED FOR: Experienced coordinators from authorized IB World Schools. This workshop is designed to help coordinators implement the programme in a manner that supports the IB mission statement and philosophy, while at the same time developing programme standards and practices. The workshop looks at the role of the coordinator in documentation, organizing professional development opportunities, […]
PYP Category 1 – Building Your IB Programme (formerly Making the PYP Happen: Implementing Agency)
RECOMMENDED FOR: All Primary Years Programme (PYP) teachers (early years, Primary Years, new to PYP and with some experience of the PYP What does it mean to be an IB Primary years educator? An IB education supports the development of learners through a holistic approach within its inquiry-based and contextualised curriculum frameworks. In this workshop, […]
PYP Category 2 – Local and Global Inquirers
RECOMMENDED FOR: Experienced Primary Years Programme (PYP) teachers, coordinators and school leaders. As part of being internationally-minded, all members of a PYP learning community are supported in becoming inquirers. Investigate what it means to be an inquirer and develop your capability to design learning that draws on local and global contexts to challenge thinking, reflect […]
IB Workshop Questions
2024-25 Virtual IB Workshop Registration $950 USD
2025 Virtual IB Workshop Registration – $950 USD
CASIE’s October 2024 and February, March, & July 2025 IB workshops will be presented online.
We deliver best-in-class, IB-accredited virtual workshops. Our virtual IB workshops are structured to maximize opportunities to collaborate in real-time with your workshop leader and fellow participants while allowing you to complete your training in only three half-days, from the comfort of your home.
Facilitated by expert workshop leaders in 4.5-hour sessions over three consecutive days, our highly-interactive online workshops take place over Zoom and feature an additional three hours of asynchronous work in Canvas required to earn a completion certificate.
2024-25 In-Person IB Workshop Registration $1,295 USD
2024 In-Person IB Workshop Registration – $1,295 USD
June 10-12, 2025
Join us in Atlanta, the birthplace of the US Civil Rights Movement, and spend 2.5 days thinking, learning, and collaborating with like-minded IB colleagues from around the world.
Our in-person workshops are led by highly-skilled, IB-trained practitioners. We provide breakfast and snacks on all three days and lunch on the first and second days of the workshop.
Download and print a copy of the in-person schedule HERE.