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Jessica Vance: Cultivating Cultures of Curiosity

Jessica Vance: Nurturing and Cultivating Cultures of Curiosity: Leading with a Lens of Inquiry

February 29 - March 1, 2024 Atlanta, GA


Registration cost is $600 USD.

Click here for registration and cancellation information and here for registration policies for this event.​


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The inquiry process is a teaching practice that is used as a framework for teaching and learning with the students in our classrooms, but what happens when leaders use this philosophy to design, lead & inspire their teachers?


As leaders, it’s easy to get lost with our portfolios and our “duties as assigned” so consider this session as your launching point to truly determine where it is that your efforts and actions need to be focused, including the “who” and “how” we can get there as a collaborative school community.


During this two day intensive series Jessica Vance, author of Leading with a Lens of Inquiry, will help you explore the seven dispositions of an inquiry leader, identifying how these attributes empower all learners. Participants will be called to further consider the balance of our mindsets and moves as both inquiry and managerial leaders engaging in an inquiry process that compares systems and reflects on the cultures that we are trying to cultivate. We’ll hone in on the “stones” we cast that, in turn, have the ripple effect we intend on those we serve. From skillful questioning and listening to designing campus professional learning, participants will leave with the essentials needed to further step into their roles as inquiry leaders. Leaders will engage in school vision work, goal setting and specific action steps moving forward. Are you ready to lead with a lens of inquiry?


This session is followed up with a check in virtual session to assess the impact our work has on your learners and constructing next steps for change and action.

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