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Three Questions for a Global Education Shift, Part 2

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

This is Part 2 of a two-part series addressing the kinds of questions we might ask in our continuation to shift from a more traditional to a global education. In January’s Part 1 , the first three of questions posed was explored: What do our students need from school? In this post, the two remaining questions posed will be considered as examples of the many other wonderings we might reflect upon.


How will we provide students the education they need?

Various propositions of conceptual combinations would work, so long as the needs of students were carefully brought to the forefront when considering how we to provide students with the skills they need for their futures. Reflecting upon the definition for global education with the aforementioned perspectives, I selected five possible areas that could be used when engaging in the design process for an education that is relevant to our students’ futures.


Schoolwide Focus Areas

Student Agency — Students having voice, choice, and ownership of learning

International-Mindedness — Mindset that recognizes and thoughtfully responds to our interconnectedness

Social-Emotional Learning — Develops self-awareness, reflective responses, and positive interpersonal skills

Communication Skills — Literacy and ability to thoughtfully exchange information Real-World Engagements — Authentic learning experiences


To cohesively design education in a holistic manner that addresses individual student needs is a mammoth, ongoing process, so identifying areas to organize into a framework is helpful. These five areas would serve as pillars in the design and be used for thinking through how the school could proceed in developing actions to further the progression to a more global education.

What preparation do we need to be best equipped to provide for our students?

Once the key areas in which to design the whole-child, global educational experiences around are identified, discussions and planning for those areas can deliver clarity about what preparations are required to bring those ideas to life. In addition to materials, community resources, and looking at all the tangible items desired, ongoing professional development is essential. Identifying where each staff member needs to grow as well as the collective professional learning of the group will help equip the adults in carrying out plans successfully. Creating the schools for our students’ future successes will require a sharp deviation from the traditional classrooms and practices of yesterday. Retooling, expanding, exploring, and developing new skills can assist in arming us to be capable of delivering global education for the 21st century.


  • Jill Sims

    Jill has a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Clark Atlanta University and a Bachelor’s degree in Education from The Ohio State University. Her past work experience includes serving as a teacher, assistant principal, 12 years as a principal with the last 7 at an IB World School, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning for Marietta City Schools, and Executive Director of Academic Programs including all four IB Programmes. She enjoys reading, traveling especially to the beach, spending time with her husband and now-grown son and daughter, friends, and walks with her dog.

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